Episode 193

Student Loan Forgiveness is not Biblical Forgiveness

After four months I finally did it! A new episode of Truthspresso Express!

While driving to work on Thursday morning I outline some thoughts on President Biden's announcement of a program to "forgive" some student loan debts.

When we clear away the politics and emotions, we see the problems with schemes like this. Particularly, the ideology of so-called student loan "forgiveness" is:

  1. Fantasy
  2. Theft
  3. Moral hazard

I also address an article I read that tries to claim student loan "forgiveness" is a Christian idea. The article raises Deuteronomy 15, which I argue cannot possibly qualify.

Sources consulted:

Matt Bernico, "I Paid Off My Loans. As a Christian, I Still Hope Biden Forgives Yours," Sojourners, May 4, 2022.