Episode 218

Christmas is Pro-Life (part 2)

Chelsea and I continue a series about the deeply Pro-Life message of the Christmas story.

The first Christmas celebrates new life and demonstrates how we should protect life.

We observe some salient pro-life points from the Christmas story:

  1. Jesus experienced the full human experience from conception
  2. Elizabeth affirmed the personhood of Jesus when He was a tiny fetus.
  3. John the Baptist leapt in the womb to show his personhood while in the womb.
  4. The virgin conception was the greatest unplanned and unexpected pregnancy in history.
  5. Mary and Joseph cared for their child in the womb even in a hostile culture.
  6. Joseph recognized that the role of fatherhood included caring for a child that wasn't biologically his own.
  7. Mary as a young mother and Elizabeth as an old mother would today be encouraged to consider abortion; yet, their pregnancies are glorious.

Scriptures Cited:

Matthew 1:18,19,21

Luke 1:41-44

Galatians 4:4-5

*** Castle Rock Women's Health is a pro-life and pro-women health care ministry. They need your help to move into a new office to serve the community better. Please consider a monthly or one-time donation. ***

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